General Funny

Everyone But Me Is Crazy I Tell You!

What is it that makes one person crazy and another one not? Why is it that it is always other people who are crazy? When I say that I am the one who is sane and everyone else in the world is crazy am I crazy? It is in search of answers to these questions I begin this post.

Naturally I would expect the answers to these questions to be crazy, and in truth I think that all of us are crazy. If you don’t think you are crazy then you’re crazy!

What makes someone crazy? That is, what is it about someone that would cause you to call them crazy? Generally speaking if someone else has viewpoints and practices that are much different than your own they are crazy. I know of a man who talked to the birds, rocks and trees. I suppose that isn’t a bad thing, we all talk to our pets and even our plants. I even talk to my computer when it acts up and usually not very politely! But the thing about this guy was that the birds, rocks and trees told him secrets about the people who lived in the area. Was he crazy?

Have you ever noticed that people, even you, will say something like, “… that man/woman is crazy!”? Think again, how often have you heard someone say, “… I am crazy …”? Now you see what I mean, it is always someone else who is crazy while we ourselves are completely rational.

My judgment here is that each and every one of us is crazy. There are definitely some out there who are crazier than others, but how do we decide who they are? T shirts and bumper stickers should be issued!

Conclusion? There are two distinct classes of humans; the crazy and the crazier.

Funny Pictures

Too Dirty Fer The Hawgs!

We haven’t always had the convenience of a nice warm shower. There was a time when you had to draw water from the well and heat it up so you could bathe. Taking a bath was a chore for sure (pronounced like “shore”) and as such a real man tried to avoid it at all costs. Usually the woman of the house had to force the poor man to take a bath against his will.

Times have changed and oddly enough it is now considered normal for a man to take regular baths, or showers. Yes truth is often stranger then fiction!

Too Dirty Fer The Hawgs
Too Dirty Fer The Hawgs
General Funny

Crappy Dollar Store Gifts For The Holidays

Why do some people buy loads of cheap presents instead of just one or two good ones? Do you do that or do you know someone who does?
Somewhere along the way it seems that a lot of people have gotten the idea that to make Christmas good you have to have lots and lots of presents. I think that gifts are great but I have to admit that I am disturbed by the concept that it is the presents that makes a holiday good.
When we raise our children we should be careful about the values and concepts that we pass on to them. In our house we stress family and togetherness and not the gifts. In fact I bought only two gifts for each of my daughters. No, I am not stingy nor is it because we cannot afford more. I just want for my family to value Christmas for something other than getting a lot of presents.
How many of us have seen a child open up a present and then toss it aside to open another and so on. Many times the child has so many gifts that it is hardly possible for them to really appreciate them.
One example is a person I know who bought a child in our family 25 $1.00 items from the Dollar Store. She spent $25 for a bunch of presents that were in truth crap; the kid got to open up a lot of colorful presents from his aunt but he didn’t like any of them or even want to play with them. In that case his mother decided to take all 25 back to the Dollar Store and exchange then for one good gift that he would actually want and enjoy.
This Christmas, and any other holidays coming up, think about getting a quality gift that the receiver will truly want and enjoy. Don’t get stuck on the idea that more is better and that you have to have a ton of gifts to make an occasion a happy one. The gifts should be nothing more than icing on the cake and not the reason for joy. Children need to realize that friends and family are the important things on any day and they cannot do that if the parents focus too much on the presents during the holidays. Gifts are great, but they should never be the primary reason for anticipating a special day like Christmas.
Funny Pictures

Brand New Hillbilly Two Seater

If you are wondering whether or not two seater outhouses existed, they did. I saw a two seater outhouse once when we were visiting some family. Even then I wondered why two people would be sitting within inches of each other while doing their “dirty business”.

Think of the romantic moments maw and paw could share when they sat side by side, perhaps whispering in each others ear as they sat there working hard to fill up the outhouse pit. When I think about that I imagine her saying something like “I shore do love you paw but by lawd you stink worse than the hogs!”

General Funny

Those Dang Gas Prices!

So, we just got back from a trip out of state. The gas prices were unbelievably low, at least relatively speaking. We spent $35 on gasoline, when we made the same trip just a few months back the same gas would have been about $90!

30 years ago gas was right around a buck a gallon, yes I have actually seen the gallons roll by on the pump faster than the dollars,  but just a few months ago we were paying over $4 per gallon.

All in all $1.65 or so seems cheap for gasoline. When gas prices get ridiculous like $3 people start thinking more about miles per dollar than miles per gallon, I know I was.

The Christmas holiday is coming up now and I just wonder, will they jack the prices back up so they can make more profits this season?